Are you aware of the R-22 ban in air conditioning equipment?
R-22 is a refrigerant that is often used in air conditioning equipment. Because R-22 depletes the ozone layer, production and import was further limited in 2010. In 2020, R-22 will no longer be produced or imported. After 2020, only recovered, recycled, or reclaimed supplies of R-22 will be available. The production (not use) of R-22 is being phased out. You are not required to stop using R-22 air conditioners nor to replace existing equipment. The phaseout period provides time to switch to ozone-friendly refrigerants when you normally would replace your air conditioner. In the future, R-22 supplies will be more limited and costs to service equipment with R-22 may rise.
You may continue to have your equipment containing R-22 serviced. The most important thing you can do is to maintain your unit properly. Appropriate servicing minimizes potential environmental damage and maintenance costs. It is important to select a reliable service contractor. Technicians must have EPA Section 608 certification to service equipment containing R-22. Request that service technicians locate and repair leaks instead of “topping off” leaking systems. This protects the ozone layer and saves you money by optimizing performance of your existing equipment. It is illegal to intentionally release any refrigerant when making repairs. Technicians must use refrigerant recovery equipment during service.
EPA has prohibited the manufacture of new air-conditioning systems that use R-22. Systems that use alternative refrigerants that do not harm the ozone layer are available and will become more common. New energy efficient air conditioners save energy costs. Even if your air conditioner is only 10 years old, you may save significantly on your energy costs by replacing it with a newer, more efficient model. Energy efficiency is measured by the seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER). The higher the ratio, the more efficient the equipment. A central air-conditioner that has earned the ENERGY STAR® label is at least 14% more efficient than a standard new system and can save you money on your cooling bill. ENERGY STAR® qualified systems are available for both R-22 and alternative (R-410A) systems.
The most common alternative to R-22 is R-410A, a non-ozone-depleting HFC refrigerant blend. R-410A is manufactured and sold under various trade names, including GENTRON AZ-20®, SUVA® 410A, and PURON®. EPA reviews alternative refrigerants and maintains a list of acceptable substitutes for household and light commercial air conditioning.
This article is courtesy of Ultimate Heating & Cooling. You can reach them at 303-289-2070 or click here to visit their website.